Many people come to our school after thoroughly reading the article and being satisfied with it, so of course there are fewer mismatches, and the explanations after they come to our school go very smoothly. ``There are cases of people visiting from outside the Kanto region after reading the blog.'' Especially in terms of the quality of potential customers, I was surprised that people from outside the Kanto region came to our school after reading the blog article. One day, I received a phone call from a parent living in Shiga Prefecture who said, ``I read the article and am driving to the school because I would love to hear what you have to say!'' and he actually came to the school. When choosing a university, it is normal for students to go out of their prefecture to visit open campuses, but I was surprised to find that when choosing a vocational school, there are not many cases where students travel outside of their area to visit open campuses or for individual consultations.
I am very satisfied with the results both in terms of numbers and quality. 3. Good things about working in content marketing Of course, starting with a blog has dramatically improved the number and quality of leads, but I also feel that there are many benefits that cannot be measured numerically. “ [Valuable information] that was dormant within the university has now been made public.” The first is that valuable information that was dormant within the university is made public on the blog, which becomes useful to users, and a virtuous cycle has been created that leads to results. I think this applies not only to schools but also to all companies, but there are many cases where a lot of Chinese UK Phone Number List useful internal know-how and information is left to the individual. In schools in particular, teachers themselves have a great deal of know-how, but the only opportunities to share it with the outside world are at open campuses, and good information is often accumulated in closed rooms.

For example, at our school, we have talked about the following at open campus events, and after the initiative, we actively communicated it in articles. “How tall do you need to be to become a cabin attendant?” “ a school or career path to get a job at a hotel?” By disseminating this kind of information, Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages will be recognized in the eyes of students aiming for careers that use foreign languages, and by disseminating information that is neutral and tailored to students, we will gain trust in the school. , will generate interest. In addition, people who read the article and participate in the open campus are able to read the article thoroughly before coming, which greatly reduces the amount of time and effort required for explanations and mismatches. Furthermore, since we as staff members receive the input we receive when writing articles.