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will people be satisfied after reading this









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-13 16:39:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
And, make sure that the bulk of the ideas come from you! Try to Hit Related Queries (Such as the People Also Ask (PAAs)) I mentioned that we have to start approaching our writing holistically, and that means providing as much valuable information to our readers as possible. Now that being helpful is the name of the game, it’s a great time to take a look at all the related queries users have for your intended topic. Here’s what comes up when I google ‘wedding catering:’ PAAs and related searches for the keyword "wedding catering" Check the PAAs and related searches that pop up when you type in your keyword.

These aren’t just generated questions Google thinks people might ask—they’re actually being searched up by real people! These will provide good subheadings to include in your next blog article. Ask Yourself: Will Readers Be Satisfied After Reading Your Content? Things CY Lists like word count and keyword density are now a thing of the past with this update. The most important thing now is that your audience enjoys what they’re reading, or they learn something of value from your article. In short, they leave your site feeling satisfied. So, always gauge your writing by asking this question:  For example, if you’re writing an article on how to properly brew specialty coffee, will the reader come away from your article with more knowledge than before? Will they have all their questions answered? Will they know how to properly brew their new coffee beans?

If the answer is yes, then you’re doing great. But, if you’re unsure—or the answer is a resounding no—you must make some changes. That said, not every reader that comes across your work will be happy with what you’ve written. It is, after all, impossible to please everyone each time you publish something. However, as long as a majority of your audience is satisfied, then you’re doing something right! Revisit Your Old Posts Lastly, because this update affects you sitewide, it’s a good idea to look at your previous work. If you’re like me, then you’ve been blogging for upwards of a decade—and that might mean some of your posts aren’t as valuable to readers today. The content might be outdated, or not up to snuff with newer guidelines, but either way, this bank of legacy content can bring your traffic down.


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