The average ticket is a very interesting data for the business, but, above all, for the sales department, since it not only informs how the companys billing is going, but also provides interesting statistics about the products that are best accepted, what times are the best for sales, etc. Furthermore, with this KPI, the marketing department can develop its strategies, for example, offering discounts on next purchases, free shipping over a certain quantity, packages of related products or services, etc. If the sales volume is very high,
To calculate the average ticket it is enough to add the billing corresponding to a certain time Henan Mobile Phone Number List and divide it by the total number of orders. . It is interesting to know how your users behave once they visit your website Above all, you should pay attention to this data that Google Analytics provides you The bounce rate It is the percentage of sessions in which the user has only seen one page of your website. This means that higher is worse, as it suggests that visitors dont care much about what they find and leave quickly. It is a KPI metric that you should not overlook.
The number of pages viewed per session. Every time the user enters the website, they visit a series of pages or sections, and all of them are counted. It is related to the bounce rate, although it is less explanatory. The average duration of the session on your website Related to the above, it is the time that users remain on your platform. Landing pages These are those pages where users enter after performing a search.