Features, but also exaggerate in mentioning the benefits, such as if the product or service makes the customer a millionaire, a beauty queen, or an increase in intelligence. It is necessary to focus on the logical benefits without exaggeration that raises doubts about the service itself and confirms to the target audience that there is something wrong. . Create assumptions about the audience This is one of the most common mistakes when writing marketing content. Do not make assumptions about the audience and rely on them completely to reach all segments of the target audience. Keep in mind that
not every person in your audience will fit this template or method of writing, so you can benefit from this feature. Words like if or maybe that make everyone have the potential to experiment. Instead of using the phrase When your computer is slow, try our services, you Phone Number Data could say, why, try our services, or Maybe your computer is slow and you do not know why, so our services will help you figure out the problem in less time, and so on. It imposes one choice on the public regarding dealing with the service or good. Use a lot of colloquial words Using simple and easy language does not mean that it is full of colloquial words. Keep in mind, as a marketing content writer, that you represent your brand and the matter must be professional in the end, and this is not done with a lot of colloquial words, no

matter how entertaining the good or service is or addresses simple segments of the audience, so you should Use simple language with a small amount of colloquialism. . The content is not supported by credibility certificates The content remains just words if it is not supported by testimonials of credibility. In order for your target audience to be sure of their ability to trust you, you must provide something that confirms credibility, whether with a realistic visual experience such as the success of an infant in swimming alone as a result of training in a specific place, or the immediate ability to remove a stain or stain.