Therapy , which develops therapeutic strategies such as reiki, yoga, meditation, family constellation and mindfulness (full consciousness), to help achieve better results in patient treatments, which are proven to be great allies in the recovery of these individuals. We are available to assist with remote therapy , providing services even to people who live outside the country. Schedule your first consultation. If you have any questions or want to know more about the subject, contact us. We can help what and who does psychology serve? Published on february 26, 2016 psychotherapy as an evolution enhancer the title of this text reveals the need for complex and broad answers to answer it. But the aim is not to exhaust the answers but to provide more practical and objective information about our science. Psychology serves anyone who wants and needs it.
That is, anyone at any stage of life can seek out a clinical psychologist to carry out what we call psychotherapy (psychological treatment). Some phases of our life do not require treatment, but may nevertheless require a reflective pause from each of us and at other times, this pause can or should be accompanied by a psychologist. Below we present Country Email List some examples to make it clearer, of situations in our lives that can benefit from psychotherapy and that are not extremely serious situations to seek professional help from: family conflicts, conflicts between couples, between parents and children, school problems , moments of indecision, suffering of any kind such as losses, losses not only due to death, but due to difficulties in managing conflicts with people, recurrent irritability that generates exhaustion and a multitude of psychological.

Behavioral states, which can bother a person individual or even those around them. Let's cite an example from a fictitious case to make it even clearer. Let's imagine a person who has just entered university and is therefore experiencing a happy moment in his life. However, this person, despite being intelligent and capable, due to some “errors of thought” and interpretations of some situations, finds himself incapable of dealing with what this new universe presents to him. Therefore, in fact, due to “thought errors” and the feelings caused by such thoughts, such as anguish and sadness, for example, he begins to do poorly in the challenges he faces on a daily basis. In the example we are not talking about someone, as we say in popular terms, crazy or even with serious problems, on the contrary, we are talking about someone.