This is especially useful if you’ve got time or the staff resources to contact prospects personally.FB Remarketing for Higher EdTwo morsels of sage remarketing advice (you’re welcome) Don’t be afraid to block IP addresses if your remarketing campaigns begin to pull in spam.Put your remarketing tag on the entire website, not just PPC landing pages.I took over an underperforming higher education account at the beginning of last winter.
They offered a really cool graduate program that blended engineering and Greece WhatsApp Number Data entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, this meant bidding on engineering keywords (pawn-your-furniture expensive) and business keywords (start-selling-your-organs expensive).By placing the remarketing tag across the whole site (not just on the paid search landing pages), we increased conversion volume from an average of 12 per month to more than 30… per week.After checking out the back end to take the temperature of the leads from a quality perspective, we discovered that we were pulling in some junk with our banner ads; people or bots were entering random strings of letters.
Thankfully, we managed to avoid adding a Captcha to the remarketing landing pages (more work for a potential prospect = decreased likelihood of “potential”) by diligently blocking recurring IP addresses.2. Give Each Discipline Its Own Dedicated Campaign“Granular” is an overused word in paid search. Do you know why? You must distil the specific facets of your program, or all of your school’s offerings, into precise campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. This goes back to the idea of mitigating cost I touched on in the remarketing tip, but it also makes non-budget-related account optimization a heck of a lot easier, too.