Fter prior research, which allows us to know which ones are frequently used and what type of searches, curiosities and questions they respond to. Only in this way do keywords ensure that the materials that are part of a Content Marketing strategy , regardless of their theme and extension, achieve good positioning in search engines. But, before delving into the usefulness of keywords for Marketing , it is important that you know the different types that exist. Keep reading! What types of keywords exist? This concept is already so advanced and studied in the digital world that there are different types of keywords . There are types of keywords according to their composition.
Check out! Head tail keywords Also called generic, they are characterized by having a high Iran WhatsApp Number Data volume of searches on the Internet. These are keywords that users use to find general information on a certain topic, which means that they are made up of just or words. For example, an Internet user who is researching university education from a broad perspective could write head tails such as “best careers”, “modern degrees” or “online careers”. Middle tail keywords They are a little more specific, which is why they are often called semi-generic. And since they are more precise searches, they consist of between and words. If we continue talking about the Internet user interested in university education, we could say that he would use middle tails such as “health-related careers” or “higher-paying bachelor's degrees.”

As you can see, although they are not excessively specific searches, they do show interest in knowing certain aspects of a topic. ADVERTISEMENT SEO ebook Complete guide to reach the first position on Google! Long tail keywords This type of keywords, also known as “long-tail” keywords, usually require greater effort and creative capacity from those who write content in Digital Marketing . And since these are longer terms, incorporating them into the texts naturally can be a little more complex. What happens is that long tails are keywords that users use when they already have a slightly more advanced level of knowledge about a topic and, conse