Revenue report to getfinal earnings from each of the different ad types. Review the Benchmark reportto review your revenue streams. Review the Transaction revenue report to seehow many times ads were sold on your videos. 77. Which One Of These TechniquesIs Suggested To Improve The Performance Of Cards? Include a verbalcall-to-action when the card appears. Enable cards for desktop viewers only.Insert all cards in the first 15 seconds of the video. Add at least 5 cards toeach video. 78. Where Can You Get The Most Measurable Data To Analyze ThePerformance Of A Channel? YouTube Dashboard YouTube Blog Google InsightsYouTube Analytics 79.
On YouTube? There is adirect correlation between discovery and video length. Knowledge Italy WhatsApp Number Data of discoveryallows you to optimize the channel for optimum views. You need to understandwho is visiting the channel in order to serve the appropriate ads to them.Channels with lower discovery should focus solely on viral videos. 80. WhichCompare Metric Would You Use With The Watch Time Report To Determine WhetherChannel Programming Is Hero, Hub, Or Help? Videos added Videos publishedSubscribed & non-subscribed Average percentage viewed 81. Which OrderOutlines What Ad Formats Take Up The Most To Least Space On The Video Player?Skippable, Overlay, Display Skippable, 
Display OverlayOverlay, Skippable, Display Overlay, Display, Skippable 82. Ad Formats AreRequested In Which Order? Overlay, Instream, Display Instream, Display, OverlayDisplay, Overlay, Instream Instream, Overlay, Display 83. How Can The “Groups”Feature Help Determine Performance For A Set Of Videos? Organize separate reportsinto groups so it’s easier to find data in one place. Assemble videos intogroups so viewers can discover related videos. Divide videos into groups to seehow viewers engage with different content formats. Assign team members togroups so only managers can access financial data. 84. What Action Could YouTake To Optimize Content If You See Bumps In Your