wake of digital agents equipped with increasingly effectiveAI, will be used to handle more complex questions requiring the intervention ofa human agent. Finally, predictive agent management tools will play anincreasingly important role in helping CX leaders build optimally effectiveteams. The era of intelligent CX is here While this new era of CX may seemdaunting, Zendesk is here to help CX leaders take advantage of this technologythat will change customer experiences forever. Throughout 2024 and beyond,we'll share additional insights and best practices to ensure your businesssucceeds in the era of intelligent CX.How IT leaders can reduce service silosand improve the employee experience Experts warn of a decline in employeesatisfaction. Here's
how businesses can take action. Download the report “How wework” is a global concern. Are Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List we doing a good job? Are we achieving the setresults? Does our work have meaning? A good employee experience is a luxury intimes of economic difficulty. Adequate compensation, a good work-life balanceand to creating a positive employeeexperience than perks such as pizza nights in the office or casual outfits onFridays. But good employee experiences translate into better business outcomes. Better employee satisfaction stimulates turnover. The best thing businessescan do is invest in employee experience (EX). According to a new Zendeskreport, IT leaders understand this need but have different ideas on how best to
meet it. According to a global survey we conducted of 1,200IT leaders, employee experience is mission critical, with 86% of executivessurveyed recognizing that employee experience has a “very positive impact” onROI. If there's one thing we can learn from the shift to hybrid work models,it's that the way we work is constantly evolving. Expectations have changed.The systems of yesteryear are no longer optimized for today's conditions. Tocombat silos and poor communication between teams, many companies arereinvesting in tools and software, which helps improve the employee experience.In this report Here are five takeaways from our study, be sure to read the fullreport: 1. When it comes to EX, the question of responsibility is centralNearly half