Beyond this observation, a basic trend emerges: almost one in two Internet users stops at the referenced on this page. A real problem for website publishers. What are the reasons ? We can identify at least two reasons: In certain cases, the results offered to the Internet user do not correspond to their intention. Clicking on the results is then not necessary since the titles of the referenced pages are enough to lead the user to perform a new query to refine their search.
As Google's algorithm is not perfect, it is not Email Data always able to precisely understand Internet users' requests. The other reason is obvious and much more annoying for website publishers: Google, via the knowledge graph, featured snippets and other structured data, tends to become more and more of a response engine. Google's objective is not to direct traffic to the most relevant sites, but to serve the answer directly to the Internet user.

This is the risk for website publishers, but also for the culture of Internet users, who no longer go to websites to find out precisely about the subjects. Their trust in Google is absolutely blind. For them, the search engine necessarily delivers the right answer, the right information, and it then becomes useless to dig further by clicking on the results proposed. What about on mobile? On mobile, the observation is clear: 61% of Google queries stop at the results page.