Comply with program policies It is the guarantee of the seriousness ofthe service, a rigorous code of ethics that you can read at this link . You cansee here Google's meticulous care with the content, as the main commitment isto the user experience, there is a detailed list of content in the programpolicies. How do I register? Once you verified that all the necessaryrequirements are met, it is time to go to the practical part. Follow the nextsteps: 1. Go to the following link :.google.esadsensestart 2. Click the buttonthat says Register Now. You will be directed to another screen. 3. Enter theURL of the site where you want to display your ads.
Indicates the emailassociated with that action. Ok, It's right! Did you Bahamas WhatsApp Number see how easy? 4 tips touse Google Adsense masterfully Because it is such a complete and potentiallylucrative tool, it is essential that you know how to explore Adsense resourceswell to guarantee success. Check out these 4 tips to generate more income withGoogle ads on your page: Optimize ad channels The channels you use to displayads, i.e. your site, blog, video page, etc. They need to be optimized in orderto bring more interesting results. How can that be done? The more built yoursite is, the easier it will be to ensure that the ads receive the properattention without harming the content.

That balance is what will generate goodincome and keep visitors recurring. Improve ad design It is true that thedesign of the ads depends a lot on the advertisers, but it is you who choosewhat you will display on your site, in addition to the formats you prefer touse. So, choose carefully the ads you want to display, see if some of theformats do not bring results as good as the others and make modificationswhenever necessary. That makes a difference in the number of clicks you willultimately receive. Perform AB tests AB testing is a good way to find out whatworks best. It's very simple: try two different solutions and compare theperformance. You can test everything from ad types to format and size, distancebetween ads and content, among many other elements on the page. Finally, act onwhat you found fundamental. Keep only what generates the most income andcontinue testing other items on the page.