You can quickly create Sponsored InMail messages from templates that they offer: linkedin sponored inmail (Image Source) Or you can even promote your latest content as an ad based on Sponsored Content: linkedin promoted content If you don’t want to feature an old post, you can click “Create Sponsored Content” to tailor-make your ad for your targets. Building out your content is the first step. But now it’s time to narrow down the audience list that you uploaded earlier for maximum impact. Be sure to select your newly uploaded list in the target account section first: linkedin audience targeting Next, scroll down and start sorting the audience further using key identifiers of your decision-makers.
Targeting job titles on linkedin For example, you can sort by things like job seniority, member Benin WhatsApp Number groups, titles, and functions. Bypassing gatekeepers is incredibly easy with this feature, as you can exclude or include anyone from the target criteria. For job seniority, be sure to exclude any gatekeepers like middle managers and only target decision-makers like C-suite executives or department heads who make the final decision.

Now you can passively build brand awareness among these high-level executives who otherwise wouldn’t see your content. Once you’ve built some passive awareness and brand recall, you can start to personally message them with LinkedIn InMail to build a relationship and get their contact details. And from there, you’re in the sweet spot of warm emails and successful, account-specific outreach. Now you can develop specific, personalized drip campaigns and automate your follow-up emails with tools like GMass. Then, you simply let the drip campaign run its course and wait until targeting on LinkedIn and finish it off with a personalized email campaign to keep the conversation going in a natural format.