Pricing Dynamic pricing is a strategy that is based on fleibility. Its main assumption is the variability of prices depending on the situation. You can observe what dynamic pricing looks like in practice using the eample of Uber or airlines. Uber Service pricing strategies Photo . The dynamic pricing strategy is used, among others, by Uber, Bolt, airlines or hotels, which set the prices of their products services depending on the season, days of the week, or the number of available places. Source: Uber app Cream skimming strategy The strategy of harvesting the cream is based on the sense of eclusivity of the product and the desire to purchase it immediately after entering the market. It means that on the day of release the price of the product is higher,
but over time the cost of purchasing the goods decreases. The willingness to pay more for a given product even though the customer knows that its price will drop over time results from, among others, because he wants to buy a new, luurious, desirable Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number product to be the first to have it on the market. Skimming is most effective for brands with a large group of local customers. It allows them to maimize profits and quickly recover production costs. A brand that uses the creamskimming strategy with great success is Apple. We can also observe it in the case of clothing brands that price their collections more epensively in the first weeks and then lower their prices. However, it may happen that the creams kimming strategy will reduce sales and,

if prices are set too high, discourage purchases. Bundle pricing As the Ecommerce in Poland report indicates, one of the main factors encouraging online shopping are promotions. This is what the bundle pricing strategy is based on . It usually offers a + purchase for free or allows you to create packages with complementary products, . a laptop and a bag for it will cost less than if you wanted to buy these products separately. This pricing strategy allows you to increase the value of your basket. The bundle pricing strategy is eagerly used by the food and catering industries. For eample, McDonald's offers meal kits combos, where buying a set is cheaper than purchasing individual ingredients. Pricevalue balance Photo . The bundle pricing strategy can be observed in the .