Before the rebranding effort, we had persistent digital campaigns running on Facebook Ads, Google Paid Search, and other display networks, including OTT and CTV advertising. We had more than different graphic creatives in play at the time following the old style. Our client depends on these campaigns to fuel their enrollment pipelines with new contacts and inquiries year-round.
We couldn’t afford to have a major dip in performance or for campaigns Israel Mobile Number List to come to a halt during a rebrand. Steps to Deploy New Creative in Persistent Digital Campaigns At a high level, these are the five steps to deploy your new creative successfully. We’ll break down each of these steps in this blog below. START WITH THE RIGHT EXPECTATIONS MAKE A TRANSITION PLAN SET SHORT AND LONG-TERM METRICS-BASED GOALS CHECK AND ADJUST ITERATE ON YOUR NEW CREATIVE Step : Start With the Right Expectations When implementing new creative into existing campaigns, you need to go into the process with realistic expectations.

And, we all know that there are sometimes stakeholders disconnected from marketing who may expect a creative overhaul to produce instant results. Major adjustments to your campaigns will always make an impact on campaign performance as the digital platforms adjust. Whether you follow a solid plan will determine if that impact is net positive or negative in the long run.