According to Deloitte Digital Media Trends, the average user pays for four subscriptions at a time. historically cheap Subscription services in Russia, in general, develop the same way as in the West, starting with other prerequisites. How is formed in the West? Before the age of streaming, viewers paid dollars to buy an album or a movie on the Internet; now, streaming services can listen to a lot of music or watch a lot of movies for just a dollar a month.
The benefits are obvious. In Russia, it's about convincing users addicted to torrents and pirated moible number data videos on the social network to start paying for content. It's important to provide a comfortable entry point, so prices for almost all Russian services are significantly lower than those in Europe and the US even if you're not looking at absolute numbers, but as a percentage of average wages. For example, a subscription ( people) and a family ( participants) cost ₽ of the average salary in Russia, according to data from the average salary in Russia in months and years.
At the level of ₽ thousand. At the same time, even the cheapest and package, its price is only the average salary in the United States (USD). And, say in the UK respectively the sum of the average monthly income in pounds sterling. The main family, which is most similar to the Russian subscription Western services have raised prices when expanding their catalogs or adding new services to justify investment in content creation, for example, charging U.S. subscribers in annual dollars instead of initial dollars.