"Employees are a company's greatest asset, your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; reward them, motivate them, and make them feel like they are an integral part of the company's mission."
Anne M. Mulcahy, former CEO of Xerox
Every business understands that the company's main value is its employees. The success of the business depends on their professionalism and motivation. But not all companies realize that an employee's career trajectory is an intangible asset that helps the business generate profits.
Movement in one direction
Invaluable value: how an employee's career shapes a company's success. Photo 1
A career path is an employee's professional development path within a company, aimed at unlocking their full potential. A career path may include promotion, acquiring new skills, training, etc.
It is mutually beneficial for the business and the employee to understand which career development tracks attract a professional, assess his competencies, identify whether the employee’s ambitions coincide with the goals and objectives of the business, and determine a strategy for joint development.
Career trajectories within a company are conventionally divided into vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
• Vertical trajectory - promotion through the ranks, which is accompanied by an increase in responsibility and authority. Employees who strive for vertical growth in their careers - functional managers - are focused on developing team management skills and have the ability to achieve results through other people.
• Horizontal trajectory — expansion of functionality virtual phone number service and immersion in the expert field. This development vector attracts highly qualified professionals or experts with deep knowledge in their field. The “engine” of their development is the desire for perfection and responsibility for the quality of the product or service produced. Their expertise, experience and knowledge are a valuable resource for colleagues and the business as a whole.
• Diagonal trajectory - a combination of vertical and horizontal path. Attracts "project managers". They are interested in project management, where subject matter expertise "meets" project team management and taking responsibility for the team product.
Why Support Employee Career Development
Invaluable value: how an employee's career shapes a company's success. Photo 2
Increased productivity. Employees, seeing a goal and an opportunity to develop within the company, are often motivated to work more efficiently and diligently. They understand that their efforts are appreciated, and their work results are recognized and supported by management.

Strengthening the employer's HR brand. A company's reputation as a place that cares about employee development attracts talented, ambitious professionals. Potential candidates see that the company is ready to invest in their development, and this can be a decisive factor when choosing an employer. A strong employer brand attracts and retains not only employees and candidates, but also clients, which affects the company's profit growth.