Aof Transport and Communications where will you work after graduation Master the skills and knowledge of statistical inference mathematical tools used to scale practical problems research and forecast analysis and economics and finance. Master basic knowledge and skills about techniques languages programming tools and know how to research and analyze algorithm design styles. Master the basic knowledge and skills of selfgenerated intelligence research and analysis techniques information system network design style and document base construction design style.
Master basic skills and knowledge about computer networks. Achieve level foreign language proficiency in the level foreign language competency framework according to the law of the Ministry of Education and Training and have basic foreign language skills and knowledge in the information technology industry. Skill standards Able to establish the theoretical basis of mathematical modeling problems find solutions to problems in the fields of engineering industry economics and finance. Able to design and build a program a software a system to meet lifes needs. See more Review Graphics Design Service of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City IUH is it good Have skills and knowledge in designing managing operating and maintaining computer networks for agencies and businesses ensuring information security and network security Have skills and knowledge to read and understand qualifications write technical explanatory reports demonstrate answer and criticize elements of the specialized field being trained and taught.
Have presentation knowledge and skills contact skills and knowledge and operate in groups reading writing and foreign language exposure reaching level in the level foreign language framework according to the law of the Ministry of Education and Training. Have specialized foreign language ability to understand documents with content related to the level being taught. See more Learn more about the information technology industry. Work position of learners after graduation After graduating students will receive a Bachelor of Applied Mathematics degree fully able to work in the following professions and service industries Corporations produce smart devices. Software computer communications.