n this case they pressed individual nuclei of ytterbium which is one of the rare elements directly into the heated optical fiber. Subsequently the ytterbium is irradiated with a laser and during the subsequent cascade deexcitation individual photons are emitted which we can then use. The research is only at the beginning but certainly an interesting direction.Single Photon Sources Using Ytterbium Cores in Optical Ytterbium Cores in Optical FibersAuthor: Tokyo University of ScienceQuantum securityA post appeared on LinkedIn where the author claims to be able to crack RSA- even factor up to numbers using a regular phone.
He even offers to email you a preprint. Even without a preprint it should hit you in Benin Mobile Number List the head. In addition it seems that there is malware in the PDF preprint. When you look at a post the reach of shares the number of comments it's crazy. And if we look at the commenters they are often people from the security industry. How many of them probably caught on had the PDF sent to them and opened it. Really interesting campaign.
Quantum business investment and politicsI recently wrote about an investment in Aliro Quantum which is developing a control and monitoring system for quantum networks. And one of the big investors is Cisco i.e. one of the biggest players in the field of classic networks. Would that foreshadow a future acquisition?The Netherlands is one of the strongest players in the field of quantum technologies in Europe and indeed in the world if we compare how small they are compared to other large countries.